AI Fundamentals




10 days per 2 hours



Course description

This course represents an entry point into the world of artificial intelligence using Microsoft’s cloud-based solutions, such as Azure Machine Learning and Azure Cognitive Services. You will have the opportunity to learn and experience for the first time how to train and deploy machine learning models and use Azure Cognitive Services for typical artificial intelligence tasks such as Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Conversational Artificial Intelligence.

Learning objectives

The AI Fundamentals training is divided into ten instructional days, with each day lasting for two hours. During the training, participants go through two blocks of content each day:

  • Monitoring the lecture delivery by the instructor and receiving guidance for independent study.
  • Practical and independent implementation of the lecture content with the assistance of the instructor.

Learning objectives

  • Introduction to the world of artificial intelligence
  • Introduction to artificial intelligence using Azure
  • AI and ML Core Concepts (familiarization with key terms and concepts related to AI and ML)
  • Machine Learning (training and evaluating models using Azure Machine Learning, utilizing its capabilities for automated machine learning, using the Azure Machine Learning designer)
  • Computer Vision (using Azure Cognitive Services to handle key workloads in computer vision, object detection, image classification, face detection, text analysis, and processing forms)
  • Natural Language Processing (analyzing text and speech for intent, translating text and speech between different languages)
  • Conversational AI (creating a knowledge base in question-and-answer format and building a bot based on that knowledge base)
  • After each area, knowledge assessment tests will be created for the participants.


The possibility of taking certification exams is available at the official PearsonVUE academy.

All instructions regarding payment will be provided to participants upon registration for the training.


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